Monday, September 3, 2007

Lessons learned

This is my 4th week in Singapore and so far, I'm still very far from my goal. Oh well, guess I'm being taught a lesson in patience and faith. Honestly, I don't have both in abundance but when you're at a stage in your life where the road ahead is full of twist and turns, you learn to bide your time and trust that God will guide you to the right path.

Being on your own is not an easy task, there are days where you appreciate the silence and being able to think and ponder about everything and nothing, but there are also days when the silence screams at you and makes you a little crazy. The most difficult part is when you remember the loved ones and the laughter you left back home. Laughter that you can only hear in your mind and faces that sometimes merge into one telling you to come home (sniff sniff).

This is my 4th week living as i've never lived before, on my own. I guess God is teaching me a lesson in happiness, you can't know what true joy is unless you've known what it is to be lonely.

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